Please note when visiting our website your IP address is recorded, along with details of which pages on the website you have visited. This helps us to review how helpful our website is, and which pages are most interesting to our visitors. We use this information to update our website effectively.

If you do use the ‘Contact Us’ portals on the page this permits us to respond and store your personal details until your query has been resolved. We will ask you if and how you would like us to keep in touch after this discussion. Your details will be stored securely in a locked office on password-protected computers and/or on hard copy that cannot be accessed by non-staff members.

Your Personal Data will not be shared with any partners, but we will use anonymised details to report how many people have visited the page, contacted us, and their demographics. You will not be able to be identified from these grouped statistics that we use to demonstrate our work to grant funders.

Our full Data Protection and Privacy Policies are available from our office – please contact the team for more information.

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